Feb 11, 2010

First Snow In Kokomo

One of the first and few tunes Aretha penned herself. And not the place the Fake Beach Boys tortured us with. We were going to go but snow stopped us. I think that is ironic. Either way didn't want to not share this tune.


  1. Lovely song, thank you, and thank you, Aretha.

  2. well this time she is not singing about a fake place like the beach boys, she is singing about a city in Indiana where she has Family connections..

  3. This song is probably my favorite of Aretha's. It's not just heartfelt, it seems to be more intimate than anything else i have heard of hers.

  4. That song is actually about real people and activities that happened in my home town of kokomo, indiana. Reggie is my brother in law and Moishe is my nephew.

  5. Aretha has a relative named "Moishe"?
